Wednesday, August 2

Sharing the good stuff (updated)

When you're reading something interesting in your Web browser, you can share it with everyone else by posting it to our front page instantly (inspired by Sepia Mutiny).

  1. Right-click this link and choose Add to Favorites (IE), Bookmark This Link (Firefox) or Bookmark link (Opera):

    Post to Ultrabrown

  2. Select some text and choose Post to Ultrabrown from the Favorites menu

The title and summary are automatic, but do take a sec to make them more interesting.

Happy posting!

Update: Fixed instructions for several browsers.



 Comment feed
  1. 1busybee

    The “Click Here” link does not seem to be working for Firefox or for IE.


    Do you have it set to just work for Safari?

  2. 2manish

    Thanks. Try the updated instructions.

  3. 3Goa Blog

    great program.. awesome!!